歡迎 【合作夥伴、異業結盟、品牌合作】
Welcome【Partnership & Alliance &
Brands Cooperation】
「Skin Potion 魔力配方」為澳洲 Skin Potion Australia在台灣之關係企業。兼具美容時尚與生化技術的專業優勢,更擁有市場多年經驗的專業美容保養顧問、專家、諮詢團隊,可以為合作夥伴量身訂製各項臉部及身體保養品,作為企業活動禮贈品,歡迎來電洽詢。我們會盡快派專人處理相關的商品合作事宜。連絡電話:(03)
312-5366 或e-mail:service@skinpotion.com
Welcome 【Partnership with Alliance & Brands Cooperation】
Skin Potion Australia not only has the advantages of fashion
and biotechnology, also has the complete cosmetics product
training service and professional skin care consultant team.
We provide our clients optimal solutions to a wide range of
cosmetics business; from skin care products to company’s gifts.
For more information, please call: (03) 312-5366 or e-mail:service@skinpotion.com
We will service and contact you shortly.